2023 Season Registration

Little League® Pledge

I Trust in God

I love my country

And will respect its laws

I will play fair

And strive to win

But win or lose

I will always do my best



Please Register online or fill out the following forms and provide A signed physical copy to our Registration Liason/coaches.


  1. ULL Parent Volenteer Form
  2. Player Registration Form
  3. Parent Code of Conduct
  4. Little League Medical Release Form
  5. Covid 19 Consent and Acceptance Form
  6. Submit proof of age for Player
  7. Submit proof of address for Player


To try to keep the registration fees University Little League has considered the average income levels surrounding each park. We encourage parents/players to sign up for the field closes to their home. League fees are as follow.



 Tee Ball/Coach Pitch $125.00 per player

 Minors & Majors Baseball/Softball $125.00 per player


  This includes the following:

          1. Insurance for player

          2. Uniform, hat, and socks (Parent is responsible for uniform pants)

          3. Little League Charter Fee

          4. Team Photos and Award*


If you have any questions please feel free to contact a Little League administrator via e-mail, call or text.


* Spring Season


A limited number of scholarships are available based on the leagues annual budget, community sponsorship received, and the overall number of registrars. Since scholarship funds are limited, applicants must meet certain financial criteria, as noted below, and certify that they qualify. Applicants may be asked to provide additional information to prove the player is eligible for a scholarship.

Register Online Here...

Registration Fee Payment 

**Please include Parent and Player Name(s)**

**On payment transaction commment section**

To Pay by Zelle: treasurer@universityll.com

To Pay by PayPal Click the Buttons Bellow



ULL Parent Volunteer Agreement Form (1/5)
Submit form to Info@universityll.com
ULL Parent Volunteer Requirement form.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [135.0 KB]
Player Registration Form (2/5)
Submit form to Info@universityll.com
Adobe Acrobat document [584.2 KB]
Parent Code Of Conduct (3/5)
Submit form to Info@universityll.com
Adobe Acrobat document [12.0 KB]
Little League Medical Release Form (4/5)
Submit form to Info@universityll.com
Little League Medical Release Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [168.0 KB]
LA rec and park Covid 19 Consent and Acceptance (5/5)
Submit form to Info@universityll.com
covid-19 authorization consent and accep[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [202.6 KB]


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© University LIttle League